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Do you have room?

We are always looking for Foster Homes on Vancouver Island and Southern BC. We are a completely volunteer run organisation and our foster parents are the backbone. They help provide a safe and loving home to ferrets while they wait for their new home or as they transition over the Rainbow Bridge.


Foster Fails

We are willing to teach you everything you need to know.  We will not place ferrets in an inappropriate home, for example giving known biters to a family with small kids.


Foster homes have first choice of adoption for ferrets they are fostering, often called a foster fail.


Give it a try!

No minimum commitment required and we understand that fostering ferrets is not easy.  If you foster ferrets and decide they are not right for you, let us know and we will come and collect them as soon as possible.


Fostering Costs

The costs associated with fostering a ferret is shared between the foster home and VI FERT. The foster home typically covers the day to day costs, such as food, litter, etc. VI FERT covers all veterinary, medical and medicine costs and we have a wide range of accessories, such as linens, hammocks and even a spare cage or two, just in case!



VI FERT volunteers are not only a great community, but also a support network that helps share resources, babysit for each other and even organise ferret play dates!


Ferret First Aid

Every wondered how to tell if a ferret is having an insulinoma attack? Have you ever used a blood glucose monitor to test a ferret? We have some very knowledgeable volunteers who love to share their wealth of information with other ferret parents!

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